Friday, July 12, 2013

Phantoms Everywhere!!!

Hey peeps.
I have a story.
So, for my latest AJMV I was buying the red sports car from Epic Wonders.
When I got there, there was a TON of peeps!!!
It was crazy!!!
No one there was famous or anything!!!
Guess what they were there for...
It's nonmember and costs 1,500 gems and I think it's quite boring.
I also feel that with the tux, they're encoring dating and marriage on AJ.
Wow -.-
If you like it then I don't mind.
You like what you like and I like what I like.
But if you hate Harry Potter were gonna have some serious problems!
Anyway, yeah.
Here's a pic.
And another video from the Unknown Star Of The Week (USOTW for short), GumballTheIceNinja!

Love the ninja part!
By the way, I call my fans ninjas.
They're highly-trained.
Anyway, here's a funny pic I always leave you peeps with :)
So true.
I hate you Umbridge.
Luvs ya! (Umbridge: But you said you hate me.
Me: I do. I was talking to the awesome peeps reading this.
Umbridge: You need to use proper grammar young lady! This is a school!
Me: No... It's the internet...)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Grrr >:(

Okay, so I had to take down my Without You AJMV for 100+ subscribers because the music was copyrighted.
I'm gonna put it up with high-pitched music though.
Also, sorry this post is a day late
I uploaded this one last night,
Yep :)
I'll have the Without You up today or in 3 days.
Sometimes WLMM (the program I use) doesn't load the videos correctly so yeah.
It may turn to pics instead of videos.
Here's another video from the unknown star of the week, GumballTheIceNinja!
I love this song!!!
Here's a funny picture to leave you with.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Finally Here!!!

Okay, so the AJMV that I promised for the 100+ subscribers is finally here!!!
Check it out!!!
(Was token down due to copyright, check my next post for the high-pitched one.)
Even though the party and the AJMV didn't go as planned it's still awesome.
One of the dens I went to was my awesome friend's femaledragon1234.
She is so nice and hilarious!!!
Now for the unknown star of the week, GumballTheIceNinja!!!
I love the user and their style kinda of reminds me of mine.
They have 100 subscribes and deserve more!
Here's one of their videos,
I'll be uploading Here's To Never Growing Up tomorrow.
That's all.
Now here's a funny picture!